Cameras for DIC

LaVision is offering a wide range of cameras for strain and deformation analysis. Depending on your needs we offer high resolution and high frame rate cameras.


The Imager CS1 camera family is a high sensitivity, high resolution digital camera series equipped with new generation backside illuminated CMOS sensors with excellent image quality and low readout noise. The camera delivers true 8 and 12 bit digital images and comes with a modern CoaXPress-12 interface for distances up to 20 m. Models from 5 MP to 16 MP with high frame rates between 30 – 120 Hz are available.


Like the CS camera family the Imager CS3 camera series combine high sensor resolution with excellent image quality. Due to latest sensor technology highest frame rates between 100 and 240 Hz can be reached depending on the camera model. Versions from 5 MP up to 25 MP are available enabling high resolution measurements for DIC and other applications. The cameras come with a modern CoaXPress-12 interface for distances up to 20 m.


Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) cameras are known for their superior image quality, low read out noise and large dynamic range. The Imager US camera series offers this excellent image quality thanks this state-of-the-art CMOS sensor technology. The camera delivers true 8, 10 and 12 bit digital images and comes with an USB 3.0 interface. Its compact design and the resolution from 2 MP at 155 Hz frame rate up to 25 MP at 14 Hz frame rate makes this camera series ideal for use in all cases of low-speed strain analysis.


The Imager M-lite is a high sensitivity, high resolution digital USB 3 camera series, equipped with the new generation CMOS sensors with excellent image quality and low readout noise. Models are available from 2 to 16 million pixel resolution.


Imager MX cameras are compact high sensitive CMOS cameras with up to 50 million pixel resolution and frame rates up to 150 frames/s at full spatial resolution covering the mid-speed range.


The Photron and Phantom cameras are fully integrated within the software and feature CMOS sensors with frame rates of several kHz at highest spatial resolution. Like all other cameras LaVision's high-speed cameras are ready for use in time-resolved applications featuring very high strain rate testing such as impact or blast.


Please also visit our online-shop. Here you can easily order spare parts for our cameras.


DIC Cameras DIC Cameras



frame rate1

pixel size


Imager M-lite 2M-160 1.9k x 1.2k 100 Hz@12 bit
123 Hz@10 bit
155 Hz@8 bit
3,45 x 3.45 8, 10, 12 bit
Imager M-lite 5M version2 2.4k x 2k 50 Hz@12 bit 3.45 x 3.45 8, 12 bit
Imager MX 50M 7920 x 6004 30 Hz 4.6 x 4.6 8, 10, 12 bit
Imager CS1-5 2440 x 2040 83 Hz@12 bit 2.7 x 2.7 8, 12 bit
Imager CS1-16 5312 x 3024 30 Hz@12 bit 2.7 x 2.7 8, 12 bit
Imager CS3-5 2440 x 2040 241 Hz@8 bit
152 Hz@12 bit
2.7 x 2.7 8, 12 bit
Imager CS3-12 4080 x 2984 172 Hz@8 bit
107 Hz@12 bit
2.7 x 2.7 8, 12 bit
Imager CS3-16 5312 x 3024 150 Hz@8 bit
100 Hz@12 bit
2.7 x 2.7 8, 12 bit
Imager CS3-25 5296 x 4584 99 Hz@8 bit
66 Hz@12 bit
2.7 x 2.7 8, 12 bit
Imager US-12 4080 x 2984 29 Hz@8bit 2.74 x 2.74 8, 10, 12 bit
Imager US-16 5312 x 3024 22 Hz@8bit  2.74 x 2.74 8, 10, 12 bit
Imager US-25 5296 x 4584  14 Hz@8bit 2.74 x 2.74 8, 10, 12 bit

1 all cameras offer increased frame rates at reduced resolution

High-speed DIC cameras High-speed DIC cameras

PIV camera


Pixel size

Min. time interval

Digital output

FASTCAM Mini UX100 1280 x 1024
up to 4 kHz
10 x 10  1.5 µs 12 bit
FASTCAM Mini AX100 1024 x 1024
up to 4 kHz
20 x 20  2.5 µs 12 bit
FASTCAM Mini AX200 1024 x 1024
up to 6.4 kHz
20 x 20 2.5 µs 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S6 1024 x 1024
up to 6.4 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S9 1024 x 1024
up to 9 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S12 1024 x 1024
up to 12.8 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S16 1024 x 1024
up to 16 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
Phantom VEO 1310 1280 x 960
up to 10.86 kHz
18 x 18 0.726 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 1010 1280 x 960
up to 8.42 kHz
18 x 18 0.726 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 610 1280 x 960
up to 5.61 kHz
18 x 18 0.726 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 440L 2560 x 1600
up to 1.1 kHz
10 x 10 1.73 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 640L 2560 x 1600
up to 1.4 kHz
10 x 10 1.73 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO-E-310L 1280 x 800
up to 3,2 kHz
20 x 20 0.48 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO-E-340L 2560 x 1600
up to 800 Hz
10 x 10 1.71 µs 12 bit
TMX-7510 1280 x 800
up to 76 kHz
23.7 x 14.8 229 ns 12 bit
TMX-6410 1280 x 800
up to 66 kHz
23.7 x 14.8 tbd 12 bit
TMX-5010 1280 x 800
up to 51 kHz
23.7 x 14.8 tbd 12 bit
Phantom T2540 2560 x 1664
up to 5,84 kHz
9,27 x 9,27 365 ns 12 bit
Phantom T4040 2560 x 1664
up to 9,35 kHz
9,27 x 9,27 365 ns 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S20 1024 x 1024
up to 18.75 kHz
20 x 20

2.0 µs
@rates>1 kHz


10,12 bit
Phantom T2410 1280 x 800
up to 24.2 kHz
18,5 x 18,5 tbd 12 bit
Phantom T3610 1280 x 800
up to 38 kHz
18,5 x 18,5 tbd 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA R3-4K 4096 x 2304
up to 750 Hz
6.5 x 6.5 tbd 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA R5-4K 4096 x 2304
up to 1.25 kHz
6.5 x 6.5 tbd 12 bit