LaVision’s joint automotive workshop on "Optical Diagnostics for Engine Research" together with the Automotive Engineering Institute of the Shanghai Jiaotong University was held with great success in Shanghai.
Friday, 27. September 2013
The 2 day workshop offered several interesting lectures as well as lab sessions with various experiments
The aim of this workshop was to help automotive manufacturers achieving challenging targets like cleaner and more efficient combustion in passenger cars and heavy duty trucks by showing solutions provided by optical diagnostic tools.
That’s why LaVision and the Automotive Engineering Institute of the Shanghai Jiaotong University gave numerous attendees the possibility to inform themselves about topics like spray imaging techniques, high speed imaging and in-cylinder optical sensor diagnostics in the course of this 2 day workshop. LaVision presented several experiments related to these topics accompanied by lectures given by Prof. Min Xu from Shanghai Jiaotong University as well as by several experts from LaVision GmbH, Goettingen Germany.
LaVision likes to thank the local organizer and LaVision representative in China, Beijing Oplan Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd, who cared for the smooth and successful course of this workshop as well as Prof. Min Xu und Prof. David Hung from Shanghai Jiaotong University.