High-Speed Cameras

For imaging applications requiring higher frame rates CMOS cameras are the best choice. Modern sensor technology enables an ever increasing image recording speed with maximum frame rates up to 75 kHz for max sensor resolution or up to several 100 kHz for reduced sensor resolution.


In combination with DaVis LaVision’s PTU X supports even the most challenging recording sequences All our high-speed cameras are carefully tested for image quality, noise, and trigger capabilities often extending the manufacturers original specifications. Close cooperation with the main high-speed camera manufacturers guarantees outstanding performance.


For high-speed imaging with maximum sensitivity the High-Speed IRO intensifier (HS-IRO) is attached in front of the CMOS high-speed camera. Lens coupling between intensifier and camera allows this modular upgrade with highest sensitivity and maximum image quality. The HS-IROs feature multi-stage amplification to override gain depletion in its micro-channel plate at higher frame rates.

Features of LaVision‘s
High-Speed Camera Systems
  • Full integration and control of multiple high-speed cameras
  • Operation of different camera models in the same multi-camera setup
  • Hypersampling for engine applications remaps time to crank angle basis
  • Lens-coupled HS-IRO Intensifier for maximum light sensitivity removable from camera when not needed


High-Speed Cameras High-Speed Cameras

PIV camera


Pixel size

Min. time interval

Digital output

FASTCAM Mini UX100 1280 x 1024
up to 4 kHz
10 x 10  1.5 µs 12 bit
FASTCAM Mini AX100 1024 x 1024
up to 4 kHz
20 x 20  2.5 µs 12 bit
FASTCAM Mini AX200 1024 x 1024
up to 6.4 kHz
20 x 20 2.5 µs 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S6 1024 x 1024
up to 6.4 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S9 1024 x 1024
up to 9 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S12 1024 x 1024
up to 12.8 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S16 1024 x 1024
up to 16 kHz
20 x 20  2.1 µs
@rates>1 kHz
12 bit
Phantom VEO 1310 1280 x 960
up to 10.86 kHz
18 x 18 0.726 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 1010 1280 x 960
up to 8.42 kHz
18 x 18 0.726 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 610 1280 x 960
up to 5.61 kHz
18 x 18 0.726 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 440L 2560 x 1600
up to 1.1 kHz
10 x 10 1.73 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO 640L 2560 x 1600
up to 1.4 kHz
10 x 10 1.73 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO-E-310L 1280 x 800
up to 3,2 kHz
20 x 20 0.48 µs 12 bit
Phantom VEO-E-340L 2560 x 1600
up to 800 Hz
10 x 10 1.71 µs 12 bit
TMX-7510 1280 x 800
up to 76 kHz
23.7 x 14.8 229 ns 12 bit
TMX-6410 1280 x 800
up to 66 kHz
23.7 x 14.8 tbd 12 bit
TMX-5010 1280 x 800
up to 51 kHz
23.7 x 14.8 tbd 12 bit
Phantom T2540 2560 x 1664
up to 5,84 kHz
9,27 x 9,27 365 ns 12 bit
Phantom T4040 2560 x 1664
up to 9,35 kHz
9,27 x 9,27 365 ns 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA S20 1024 x 1024
up to 18.75 kHz
20 x 20

2.0 µs
@rates>1 kHz


10,12 bit
Phantom T2410 1280 x 800
up to 24.2 kHz
18,5 x 18,5 tbd 12 bit
Phantom T3610 1280 x 800
up to 38 kHz
18,5 x 18,5 tbd 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA R3-4K 4096 x 2304
up to 750 Hz
6.5 x 6.5 tbd 12 bit
FASTCAM NOVA R5-4K 4096 x 2304
up to 1.25 kHz
6.5 x 6.5 tbd 12 bit