LaVision participated in the 4th International PIV challenge

Friday, 17. April 2015

PIV challenge
Case D: 3D PIV synthetic images based on time resolved DNS turbulent flow (source:
The objective of the PIV Challenge initiative is to provide assessment of the current state of the art of Particle Image Velocimetry methods, including algorithms, optical configurations, and applications. Leading research groups and commercial PIV system providers are participating in this challenge. The results can be used to guide future development efforts and identify new directions for the continuous evolution of the PIV method and growth of the PIV community.

Previous challenges have been held in 2001, 2003 and 2005. The latest 4th PIV Challenge especially dealt with new processing methods and advanced imaging and velocity evaluation systems, such as Tomographic PIV and other related techniques rapidly spreading throughout the PIV community. As for the first three challenges, LaVision’s contributions to the 4th challenge have been demonstrated to be very powerful. Previous results and publications can be found on the PIV challenge website (, the recent case studies are described there, too. The final detailed report on the submissions of the participants will be published soon.



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