LaVision startet mit einer weiteren Webinar-Serie ins Jahr 2022

Thursday, 16. December 2021

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LaVision lädt Sie zu den folgenden Webinaren im Januar und Februar 2022 ein:

Title: Laser Induced Fluorescence by LaVision: Calibration, Processing and Uncertainty Analysis
Description: This webinar will provide an overview of our state-of-the-art, interactive software module for scalar field measurements using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF).  Its attributes will be exemplified in a 2-color thermometry experiment, spanning the collection of fluorescence images, the calibration of LIF signals and the processing of raw experimental data. Highlight features also include the space- and time-resolved quantification and propagation of random and systematic uncertainties at each processing step, towards high fidelity, scalar-field measurements.

Thursday 27th January 2022
3 pm Central European Time, Berlin
Presenters: Dr. Alexandros Charogiannis, Applications Engineer
Duration: 45 min


Title: Spray and Aerosol Characterization for R&D and Quality Control
Description: This webinar will introduce imaging-based pattern and plume characterization of spray and aerosol generating devices. Such devices are used in numerous applications ranging from home care & beauty products, pharmaceutical sprays to automotive fuel injectors. The advantages of tailored solutions from highly versatile and accurate systems for product development and R&D to efficient and robust production quality control applications will be presented.

Thursday 10th February 2022
3 pm Central European Time, Berlin
Presenters: Manuel Schütte, Product Manager Spray & Combustion
Dr. Stefan Seefeldt, Industrial Business Development
Duration: 45 min


Title:  Particle and Droplet Sizing in Sprays and Industrial Process Monitoring
Description: This webinar will introduce the capabilities of imaging-based particle and droplet sizing and concentration / mass flux measurements. We will present examples of two of the main application fields namely spray droplet characterization and monitoring of industrial processes. A range of solutions are presented covering table top laboratory analyzers, online process monitors to highly versatile R&D systems.

Thursday 17th February 2022
3 pm Central European Time, Berlin
Presenters: Celina Fraatz, Research & Development
Dr. Stefan Seefeldt, Industrial Business Development
Duration: 45 min




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