LaVision presents the latest innovation for stray light suppression in sprays and two-phase flows

Friday, 28. April 2017

A novel 1p-SLIPI approach simplifies stray-light free instantaneous imaging in dense sprays.

Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI) is an established technique in planar laser imaging to remove imaging artifacts arising from higher order scattering in 2-phase fluids, such as sprays.

Developed from our cooperation partners from Lund University, LaVision now provides a remarkable simplification of
SLIPI with the new single pulse SLIPI approach.

Instantaneous 1p-SLIPI
This novel technique reveals fully time resolved spray images from single-shot recordings. Single pulse SLIPI (1p-SLIPI) is the simplest way of rejecting stray-light in dense media.

Clean-up of a single-shot image from a hollow cone spray. The conventional sheet image shows a large amount of stray light and blurred structures, while the 1p-SLIPI image reveals droplets and rejects stray light effectively. (courtesy of E. Berrocal, E. Kristensson, Lund University)

The instantaneous double pulse 2p-SLIPI and the phase-scanning and time-averaging 3p-SLIPI offer solutions to customers with higher demands on spatial resolution or for more complex spray imaging techniques like LIF/Mie.
The SLIPI optics is designed to start with the most simple 1p-SLIPI approach and can be upgraded with rising demands. The SLIPI base module covers all requirements for 1p-SLIPI. Two add-on modules for the SLIPI optics for 2p- and 3p-SLIPI allow to upgrade to one or both of the more advanced techniques.
More about SLIPI.



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