LaVision took again part in the Experimental Fluid Mechanics (EFM) conference this year - this time at an unusual venue
The LaVision team welcomes its new member - Matthew Stegmeir
Visit LaVision during the leading trade fair for powder & bulk solids processing and analytics POWTECH in Nuremberg, Germany
Friday, 9. September 2022
LaVision will present its ParticleMaster inspex systems from September 27-29 at booth 425 in hall 4A.
Kanomax Japan Inc. and Marubun Corporation exhibited LaVision’s products at the COMODIA 2022 conference in Japan
Wednesday, 13. July 2022
The hybrid 10th international COnference on MOdelling and DIAgnositcs (COMODIA) for Advanced Engine Systems was held in Sapporo, Japan, 5th-8th July 2022
LaVision is finally on tour again!
Wednesday, 6. July 2022
If you are around stop by at our booths and have a look at our latest developments on PIV and LIF.
LaVision thanks for the ongoing great cooperation in an exciting project with MARIN
Thursday, 12. May 2022
The unique PIV flow measurements at ship scale within the JoRes project of MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) has meanwhile a 5 years journey to reflect on.
“Seeing is believing” is literally true for LaVision’s ParticleMaster comprehensive imaging solutions
Thursday, 5. May 2022
In fact, one can “see” particles even as small as 4 μm!!
Visit LaVision during world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technology PaintExpo in Karlsruhe, Germany
Friday, 8. April 2022
LaVision will present its inspex systems SprayMaster and ParticleMaster from April 26-29 at booth 2242 in hall 2.
LaVision released a new version of its free Python library lvreader
Monday, 14. February 2022
It is available for download in the download->software category on our website.
Get a comprehensive overview about LaVision's StrainMaster DIC System capabilities
Friday, 14. January 2022
The StrainMaster system family consists of state-of-the-art optical measuring instruments for shape, strain and deformation analysis.
LaVision kicks off 2022 with another webinar series
Thursday, 16. December 2021
Register today for free participation.
LaVision's Shake-the-Box 4D-PTV MiniShaker underwater system is used in the wave flume of the Leichtweiß-Institut für Wasserbau (LWI) of TU Braunschweig, Germany
Monday, 29. November 2021
In the course of the research project "EnviSim4Mare" the influence of mussel and algae growth on offshore wind turbines is investigated.
Get a deeper insight into the SprayMaster system family from LaVision
Friday, 22. October 2021
SprayMaster systems provide new insights into even complex spray processes and permit cost effective and efficient development of smarter spray systems.
LaVision holds its annual PIV customer seminar online this year
Monday, 20. September 2021
The seminar will take place in calender week 40 – 42.
Interesting comparison of stereoscopic particle image velocimetry and volumetric particle tracking velocimetry applied in the wake of a ducted propellers
Monday, 28. June 2021
The results have been published in an article of the Ocean Engineering Journal.
Our latest software DaVis 10.2 with many new features has been released
LaVision applies for the Innovation Award 2021 of the district of Göttingen
Friday, 28. May 2021
For the third time after 2014 and 2018 LaVision participates in this competition.
An impressive movie from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) shows the beauty of an induced turbulent flow
Monday, 26. April 2021
The movie shows the results from an experimental measurement of the flow within a large Rayleigh-Bénard cell.
Helium-filled soap bubbles are used to visualize airflows around a moving skater
Monday, 15. March 2021
This exciting survey was conducted at TU Delft using their Ring of Fire measurement system.
LaVision’s Helium-filled soap bubble generator helps to make speech aerosol dispersion dynamics visible
Wednesday, 17. February 2021
Department of Aerospace Engineering at Auburn University studies the non-symptomatic aerosol-producing activities such as speaking with PIV technique.
Wing 'clap' studies using Tomo-PIV reveal the amazing power behind butterfly flight
Tuesday, 26. January 2021
Researchers working in the Animal Flight Lab within Lund University’s Department of Biology have used LaVision’s Tomographic PIV during their studies.
The annual PIV course from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Göttingen will be held as online-seminar in 2021
Friday, 22. January 2021
There are still places available
Free Python library for DaVis data access
Friday, 8. January 2021
We are looking forward to a lively user community.
LaVision is offering a compact and easy-to-use PIV system especially for the student community
Wednesday, 16. December 2020
The FlowMaster Educational system comes with a versatile DaVis PIV software module to provide students with latest PIV features and algorithms
Meet the FlowPike – MARIN’s latest development in collaboration with LaVision
Monday, 30. November 2020
The device is now ready to be deployed at sea.
Joint projects with the Brown University have been presented during the APS DFD Virtual Meeting 2020
Wednesday, 25. November 2020
The meeting was held online from November 22 to 24 and covered topics such as "Fluid Mechanics of Infectious Disease".
Do you already know LaVision’s online-shop?
Friday, 23. October 2020
In our online-shop we offer you consumables and spare parts for our cameras and lasers as well as an extensive selection of seeding particles.
Visit our online booth at the analytica virtual 2020
Tuesday, 29. September 2020
LaVision will present you its new flow inspection systems for monitoring air and heat flows in critical industrial processes.
LaVision invites you to join its webinars
Comprehensive study on the use of protective masks done with a LaVision BOS system at the University of Edinburgh
Tuesday, 2. June 2020
With the help of manikin Lucas, scientists in Edinburgh tested the effectiveness of face masks in preventing the spread of viruses.
Investigation of stochastics during ignition processes at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig with laser diagnostic system from LaVision
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich has performed an experimental study of protective masks using LaVision equipment
Thursday, 23. April 2020
Professor Christian J. Kähler and his assistant Dr. Rainer Hain conducted detailed flow experiments to examine the effectiveness of face masks and various filter materials from a fluid mechanics point of view.
Covid-19 : LaVision imaging technique shows how masks restrict the spread of exhaled air
LaVision's digital image correlation workshop in London is postponed – new date to be confirmed
Wednesday, 25. March 2020
Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 outbreak the planned event must be postponed. The new date will be announced as soon as possible. The planned format remains the same as detailed below.
A message for our customers and partners in times of Covid-19
Scientists at the Royal Veterinary College, London reveal surprising aerodynamic behavior during bird’s flight, using LaVision measurement technology
Tuesday, 11. February 2020
A world-first study on the large scale flow structures in the wake of birds of prey made possible by LaVision’s Helium-filled Soap Bubbles
LaVision contributes with its software and equipment to the “Ring of Fire” project
Thursday, 6. February 2020
The project should serve to optimize sporting performance through scientific research.
LaVision presented the latest developments and measuring solutions in the field of materials testing by means of digital image correlation (DIC) during the K-fair in Dusseldorf
Friday, 1. November 2019
The joint stand operated together with our partner Polytec GmbH aroused great interest among the visitors.
New DaVis 10.1 release is now available for download
Tuesday, 15. October 2019
With a brand-new graphical processing list editor, interactive setup and operation of high-speed systems, a new export dialog, and Distributed Processing DaVis 10.1. significantly boosts usability and simplifies your work flow.
LaVision held a seminar on DIC and PIV techniques hosted by the BPPT Research Institute in Indonesia
Tuesday, 1. October 2019
The 2-day seminar took place at BBTA3-BPPT, Tangerang Selatan on September 17th – 18th, 2019
New products and developments presented during the International Meeting on Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants in Kyoto
LaVision delivered a combined diagnostic system to SestaLab
Monday, 12. August 2019
SestaLab as part of the company Co.Svi.G. Scrl. is a world-leading laboratory to test the combustion of gas turbines.
Successful attendance at the International Symposium on PIV in Munich
Friday, 26. July 2019
LaVision presented latest developments and products for applications in the field of Particle Image Velocimetry and Laser Induced Fluorescence
LaVision presents a new generation of a UV camera endoscope system for minimum invasive in-cylinder measurements in engines
Tuesday, 16. July 2019
The new high-efficiency endoscope provides an outstanding image quality due to high transmission and chromatic performance over a wide range of wavelengths in the UV.
LaVision and Trinoma announce their cooperation
The Imager MX 25M and 50M were added to LaVision’s comprehensive camera portfolio
Wednesday, 26. June 2019
The small, lightweight CMOS cameras are ideally suited for applications where extraordinary spatial resolution is required
LaVision Inc is offering a three-day Tomo-PIV/3D PTV course in its office in Ypsilanti, MI
Monday, 17. June 2019
The course is taking place from October 8 - 10, 2019
30 years LaVision!
From spin-off to internationally renowned company
SAE journal paper about LaVision´s innovative optical measurement technique for gas engine development now online!
Tuesday, 12. March 2019
The latest EngineMaster LIF and ICOS infrared measurement technique for the analysis of mixture processes in low emission methane and CNG engines are presented in this paper.
LaVision's one-day seminars in Aachen and Stuttgart end of February were very well received
The first PIV seminar organized by LaVision UK in Edinburgh was a great success
Monday, 4. February 2019
The 3-day course took place in the Mechanical Engineering department of Edinburgh University.
LaVision presents another member of its MiniShaker camera family
Tuesday, 15. January 2019
The watertight multi-camera system is ideally suited for underwater applications
LaVision was awarded for its 3D camera MiniShaker Aero Robotic
Thursday, 20. December 2018
LaVision received an innovation award from the district of Göttingen
LaVision extended its portfolio of new intensified camera models for scalar imaging
Thursday, 15. November 2018
Besides of the new intensified NanoStar camera with sCMOS technology, LaVision also integrated the fiber coupled PI-MAX4® camera from Princeton Instruments in its DaVis 10 software.
LaVision introduces two new 4MPx high-speed camera models
Wednesday, 26. September 2018
The Phantom v2640 and Phantom v1840 models are the latest addition to the ultrahigh-speed camera series.
LaVision UK is offering a three-day customer PIV seminar in Edinburgh next year
Monday, 24. September 2018
The course will take place from the 29th to the 31st of January, 2019 and is hosted by the Fluid Dynamics Lab within the Mechanical Engineering department of Edinburgh University.
LaVision presented new innovations on the 37th International Symposium on Combustion in Dublin
Friday, 10. August 2018
LaVision enjoyed great feedback presenting recent product highlights on the 37th International Symposium on Combustion in Dublin.
LaVision presented innovative spray measurement technology on the ICLASS 2018
in Chicago
Tuesday, 31. July 2018
LaVision is proud to have supported the spray community with advanced imaging solutions for more than 25 years.
New ParticleMaster inspex system for size, shape and velocity measurements of particles and droplets in laboratory use
Friday, 20. July 2018
LaVision’s new ParticleMaster inspex system is a highly integrated testing tool for in-situ size, shape, and velocity measurements of spray droplets, particles and granules.
LaVision was happy to present the most recent innovations on the 18th International Symposium on Flow Visualization
Monday, 2. July 2018
Located in the historic ETH main building in Zurich, Switzerland, the LaVision booth attracted the attention of the scientists participating in the symposium.
LaVision Inc is offering a three-day PIV course in its office in Ypsilanti, MI
Friday, 22. June 2018
The course is taking place from October 9 - 11, 2018
LaVision introduces a series of new cameras for PIV applications
LaVision is presenting the latest innovations in optical measurement techniques for the optimization of gas engines on the SAE World Congress Experience in Detroit
Thursday, 12. April 2018
Low-emission methane and CNG engines got the potential to replace Diesel engines in the medium term. LaVision presents a new measurement system for the gas mixture analysis in gas engines.
Enjoy watching our DaVis 10 video
Thursday, 22. March 2018
See what's possible with our new DaVis 10 software
Take the chance to meet the experts from LaVision during the 26th PIV course to be held at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Göttingen
Monday, 12. March 2018
LaVision exhibits during PIV course at DLR Göttingen in March
New “Engine Optimization and Emission Reduction” and “ICOS” Webpages launched
Friday, 26. January 2018
Intelligent Imaging and Optical Sensors for Engine Applications
LaVision presented quantitative optical measurement techniques for mixture formation and combustion processes on the 5th International Conference on Knocking in Gasoline Engines in Berlin.
Tuesday, 12. December 2017
Endoscopic imaging and optical sensors provide detailed analysis of mixture formation, ignition and combustion processes. LaVision presented two products for in-cylinder optical indication.
LaVision congratulates the winners of the DLR Science Award for their work with Shake-the-Box
Monday, 11. December 2017
Dr. Daniel Schanz, Sebastian Gesemann and Dr. Andreas Schröder from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has been honored
LaVision will again be exhibiting during the Short Course on Atomization and Sprays in Darmstadt next year
Monday, 4. December 2017
The course will be held in February 19th – 22nd, 2018 in the Center of Smart Interfaces in Darmstadt, Germany.
LaVision presented new innovations on the 70th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society
Monday, 27. November 2017
LaVision enjoyed great feedback presenting recent product highlights: high power LED Flashlight 300, 3D camera MiniShaker, robot-supported volumetric measurements, Helium-filled soap bubble seeding, and DaVis 10 with Pressure from PIV
DaVis 10 - Releasing a new generation of imaging software
Tuesday, 14. November 2017
DaVis 10 - Software for Intelligent Imaging
LaVision is happy to announce another edition of a workshop on data assimilation & CFD processing for PIV and Lagrangian Particle Tracking
Friday, 10. November 2017
The course is organized by Jan Schneiders (TU Delft) and Andreas Schröder (DLR) and will be held at 13 – 14 Dec 2017 in Delft, The Netherlands
New version of free DaVis Matlab Add-on
Wednesday, 8. November 2017
Matlab Add-on reads DaVis stream format sets
Fastest camera of the world
Thursday, 12. October 2017
Lund University developed a high-speed camera featuring 5 trillion frames per second using the FRAME imaging technology.
Optical measurement technique for natural-gas engines
Monday, 25. September 2017
Within a government founded project two different types of measurement techniques were developed and sucessfully tested
LaVision is offering a one-day workshop on Tomographic PIV prior to the 70h Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Monday, 4. September 2017
The workshop is taking place in the Hyatt Regency hotel, Denver on November, 18th. The participation is free.
LaVision extended its portfolio to a UV lens designed for optimal performance with intensifiers
Monday, 14. August 2017
One of the main advantages of this lens is the capability of correcting chromatic aberrations.
LaVision Inc is offering a Tomo-PIV short course in its office in Ypsilanti, MI
Friday, 28. July 2017
The course is taking place from September 12 - 14, 2017
The Center of Smart Interfaces at TU Darmstadt is offering a Short Course on Complex Wetting
Monday, 17. July 2017
The course will be held in October 11-13, 2017 in Darmstadt, Germany
LaVision enjoyed the high positive response to its successful participation in the International Symposium on PIV (ISPIV) in Busan, South Korea
Friday, 30. June 2017
Innovations such as the MiniShaker 3D camera family and the new software package Pressure from PIV attracted many visitors
Andrea Sciacchitano and Bernhard Wieneke were honored with the „Outstanding Paper Award“ from the Editorial Board of Measurement Science and Technology
Monday, 26. June 2017
The award was given to them during the International Symposium on PIV’17
LaVision presents the latest innovation for stray light suppression in sprays and two-phase flows
Friday, 28. April 2017
A novel 1p-SLIPI approach simplifies stray-light free instantaneous imaging in dense sprays.
New DaVis 8.4 software version released
Monday, 20. March 2017
LaVision released new software version
13th Conference Engine Combustion Processes in Ludwigsburg, Germany
Wednesday, 15. March 2017
LaVision exhibits at the Engine Combustion Processes Conference
The Finnish start-up company cardiomeDIC uses a StrainMaster system from LaVision for his cardiac strain examinations
Wednesday, 15. February 2017
DIC lights up hearts
LaVision contributed two papers to the special section of the Measurement Science and Technology magazine
Wednesday, 8. February 2017
Both LaVision papers about PIV uncertainty propagation and Peak-locking reduction are free to download.
LaVision is happy to announce its new partnership with Analytical Technologies Pte Ltd.
Wednesday, 1. February 2017
Analytical Technologies is the new sales partner of LaVision for the Southeast Asian region
LaVision welcomes you to its new internet presence
Thursday, 19. January 2017
LaVision presents the relaunch of its website
Thursday, 1. December 2016
PIV uncertainty turns out to become more and more important in the PIV community
Monday, 28. November 2016
Flow seeding was done with LaVision’s Helium-filled Soap Bubble Generator
Friday, 4. November 2016
The course will be held in February 20-23, 2017 in Darmstadt, Germany
Thursday, 13. October 2016
The team of LaVision is looking forward to your visit at its booth during the show from October 19th - 26th
Aerodynamical measurements for the Tour de France were performed in a wind tunnel at TU Delft - with LaVision's Helium-filled soap bubble generator
Monday, 5. September 2016
The aerodynamics of several new helmets and suits were tested with a 3D printed mannequin in the wind tunnel
Friday, 19. August 2016
Advances in Spray Analysis presented on the ILASS 2016 in Brighton
Thursday, 28. July 2016
36th International Symposium on Combustion in Seoul
Monday, 27. June 2016
Review lecture about the SLIPI technique from its earliest to latest developments
Thursday, 9. June 2016
Presentation of state-of-the-art technology and latest innovations for LIF imaging
Tuesday, 24. May 2016
Last few places available - registration closing soon
Saturday, 14. May 2016
The annual selection represents the breadth and excellence of the work published in the journal.
Monday, 9. May 2016
Polytec exhibits the StrainMaster portable system from LaVision during the Sensor & Test trade show in Nuremberg
Friday, 6. May 2016
The course is taking place from October 18 - 20, 2016
Thursday, 14. April 2016
This simple add-on device ensures a precise time separation between the two laser pulses of a PIV laser with any laser type at any working condition, without affecting the laser beam.
Monday, 21. March 2016
Join the talk of Loughborough University staff about a large volume Tomo-PIV experiment.
Friday, 4. March 2016
LaVision’s Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) solutions
Thursday, 25. February 2016
LaVision exhibits during PIV course at DLR Göttingen in March.
Tuesday, 2. February 2016
The system setup allows an easy integration in any type of experimental setup.
Thursday, 21. January 2016
The camera merges high 4MPx spatial resolution with highest frame rates.
Monday, 30. November 2015
The course will be held in February 15-18, 2016 in Darmstadt, Germany
Monday, 28. September 2015
The new seeding device generates large Helium-filled soap bubbles at high production rates.
Tuesday, 15. September 2015
LaVision congratulates Dipl.-Ing. Christian Disch from the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) for receiving the Best Paper Award during the JSAE PFL conference in Kyoto.
Tuesday, 25. August 2015
New optical indication applications presented on JSAE/PFL conference in Kyoto.
Monday, 24. August 2015
DaVis 8.3 provides a larger number of significant changes, new features and UI improvements
Tuesday, 18. August 2015
A complete redesign of the SprayMaster Geometry Software is released with DaVis 8.3 and will be presented on the 13th ICLASS conference in Tainan.
Thursday, 2. July 2015
The topic of uncertainty quantification in PIV is introduced with an editorial written by Prof. Kenneth T. Christensen and Prof. Fulvio Scarano
Friday, 26. June 2015
LaVision presented itself in Stuttgart with interesting innovations
Monday, 18. May 2015
Stereo-PIV data including uncertainty quantification now about 10 times faster
Wednesday, 13. May 2015
EngineMaster inspex systems now available
Friday, 17. April 2015
PIV challenge
Friday, 27. February 2015
Tomographic PIV and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) were used simultaneously to study a model of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Saturday, 6. December 2014
Measurements were carried out on a stable Hencken burner flame and a turbulent flame produced by a transient-arc DC plasmatron.
Tuesday, 2. December 2014
76 companies, research and education institutions applied for the twelfth Innovation Award “Ideas? Welcome!” from Göttingen county
Tuesday, 4. November 2014
Introducing PIV uncertainty quantification (UQ) for 2D- and Stereo-PIV using the Correlation Statistics method
Friday, 31. October 2014
2014 SEM Fall Conference and International Symposium on Intensive Loading and Its Effects
Friday, 10. October 2014
Showcase on leading edge experimental techniques to be held at NPL
Wednesday, 20. August 2014
LaVision won the first prize in a poster presentation awarded by an international jury
Friday, 15. August 2014
ToScA is taking place from September 1st - 3rd in the Natural History Museum in London
Friday, 18. July 2014
Innovative, marketable measurement systems for engine development
Friday, 20. June 2014
Measurements were performed with a PIV system integrated by LaVision
Thursday, 22. May 2014
25 years of Intelligent Imaging by LaVision: enjoy watching our company video
Thursday, 8. May 2014
New ReadIMX Add-On available for free
Monday, 5. May 2014
New insights from correlation between exhaust emissions and in-cylinder lambda value measurements
Tuesday, 18. March 2014
Meet the experts on 3rd of April (1pm – 4 pm) in the Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands
Friday, 28. February 2014
The meeting will take place on March, 28th at 3 pm in the Atlas Visualisation Facility, Harwell Oxford, UK
Monday, 20. January 2014
Germany's most prestigious research prize was granted to both researchers by the Joint Committee of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation).
Thursday, 9. January 2014
Easy illumination of larger cross sections of a fluid with the Compact Volume Optics
Monday, 14. October 2013
Improved double image projection for spectral separation of incoming light
Monday, 7. October 2013
The Imager LX models 8M, 16M and 29M now also come with CamLink interface
Friday, 27. September 2013
The 2 day workshop offered several interesting lectures as well as lab sessions with various experiments
Thursday, 12. September 2013
A video paper of these measurements was published on the internet platform
Wednesday, 11. September 2013
The newest DaVis version comes with several new features.
Friday, 6. September 2013
LaVision’s optics module allows easy implementation of SLIPI technique into global spray imaging
Wednesday, 10. July 2013
LaVision draws a very positive balance of its two conference appearances in Lund and Delft
Tuesday, 9. July 2013
LaVision extends its portfolio to further high speed cameras
Monday, 1. July 2013
Many new features come with LaVision’s latest software version DaVis 8.1.5.
Friday, 14. June 2013
June issue of the MTZ magazine presents LaVision’s ICOS (Internal Combustion Optical Sensor) system
Friday, 8. March 2013
Programmable Parameter Recording – an upgrade for LaVision’s HighSpeed Controller
Friday, 18. January 2013
LaVision is a new member in the FVV community
Friday, 18. January 2013
New PIV cameras – Imager LX series
Saturday, 1. December 2012
Damage Tolerance project at University of Southampton (DamTol)
Monday, 8. October 2012
LaVision’s presents a cost effective entry to instantaneous volumetric PIV
Monday, 17. September 2012
LaVision is happy for its partners
Saturday, 15. September 2012
3D Spray Imaging with tomographic reconstruction
Monday, 9. July 2012
Imager SX 4M - a new, compact CCD camera modell for FlowMaster PIV systems
Friday, 1. June 2012
Tesscorn is now representing LaVision in India
Thursday, 10. May 2012
Tomo-PIV system applied at the German Aerospace Center, Goettingen
Thursday, 22. March 2012
New office in Singapore
Tuesday, 28. February 2012
LaVision Stereo PIV underwater system in Edinburgh, UK
Saturday, 18. February 2012
LaVision's new building has been finished
Wednesday, 30. November 2011
Great interest in LaVision's tomographic PIV workshop
Friday, 8. July 2011
Optimization of cold start conditions
Monday, 20. June 2011
Crack propagation mechanisms studied with DVC
Tuesday, 31. May 2011
LaVision is now online with a French website
Monday, 23. May 2011
New ICOS Temperature system
Friday, 20. May 2011
Imaging breakthrough with new scientific CMOS camera
Tuesday, 22. March 2011
New windtunnel launched at the Swiss Federal Laboratory for Materials Testing and Research
Wednesday, 8. December 2010
LaVision’s stereoscopic 3D underwater PIV system in Hannover
Monday, 15. November 2010
Tapestry creep monitoring with LaVision's StrainMaster system
Tuesday, 9. November 2010
STAB research award
Sunday, 12. September 2010
Laser imaging in dense sprays
Sunday, 12. September 2010
Enormous boost in processing speed
Sunday, 12. September 2010
Imaging breakthrough with new scientific CMOS camera
Sunday, 12. September 2010
LaVision introduces Adaptive PIV
Tuesday, 31. August 2010
DaVis 8 release
Friday, 25. June 2010
Announcement of PIV training in the United States
Monday, 29. March 2010
MAN Diesel (Denmark) applies a stereoscopic PIV system from LaVision in large Marine Diesel engines for flowfield imaging
Monday, 15. March 2010
Announcement of Programming DaVis Batch Processing seminar in June
Wednesday, 16. December 2009
New product: Flowcoach
Wednesday, 16. December 2009
Additional seminars for our customers
Monday, 30. November 2009
New high speed cameras
Thursday, 10. September 2009
New technique: Digital Volume Correlation (DVC)
Tuesday, 8. September 2009
Volumetric flow field imaging
Tuesday, 1. September 2009
New Mid Speed PIV systems
Friday, 3. July 2009
HighSpeed Controller
Friday, 22. May 2009
Have a look at LaVision inside
Wednesday, 22. April 2009
New seminars
Sunday, 15. February 2009
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers awarded to Dr. André Marshall
Wednesday, 11. February 2009
New look for
Monday, 19. January 2009
EngineMaster Synchronizer
Monday, 12. January 2009
LII 300 system now available in Europe
Wednesday, 1. October 2008
LaVisionUK is now represented in the National Council of the British Society for Strain Measurement (BSSM)
Monday, 15. September 2008
LaVision is pleased to announce the entry of a new colleague in France.
Friday, 12. September 2008
The patented versatile interactive ePIV system from the US company Interactive Flow Studies LLC, represented by LaVision in Europe, is specifically designed with the student in mind.
Wednesday, 10. September 2008
LaVision's annual DaVis and PIV seminar takes place in the facilities of German Aerospace Centre (DLR) in Goettingen from 25.-28. November 2008.
Friday, 15. August 2008
LaVision's Online Energy Monitor, capable of measuring the energy of individual laser pulses simultaneously with the acquisition of camera images, comes with new design and several extended options
Thursday, 15. May 2008
LaVision offers a new generation of lens coupled image intensifier modules for high-speed camera systems
Thursday, 1. May 2008
LaVision GmbH entered into an agreement with Interactive flow studies LLC
Friday, 29. February 2008
StrainMaster Portable system
Thursday, 28. February 2008
The first international LaVision Strain and Deformation User Group Meeting
Monday, 10. December 2007
Strain User Meeting
Wednesday, 24. October 2007
German chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel visited the Laser Laboratory Goettingen
Friday, 7. September 2007
LaVisions DaVis and PIV seminar 2007
Monday, 9. July 2007
Cooperation with Artium Technologies, Inc.
Thursday, 5. July 2007
New spark plug sensor available
Sunday, 1. July 2007
International PIV symposium in Rome
Wednesday, 16. May 2007
FlowMaster MITAS
Saturday, 7. April 2007
FlowMaster Velocity Line Sensor
Thursday, 29. March 2007
PIV Course at DLR Goettingen, Germany
Monday, 26. February 2007
New StrainMaster software features
Monday, 1. January 2007
LaVision User Group Meeting 2007
Wednesday, 1. November 2006
DaVis 7.2 release
Saturday, 5. August 2006
Fiber Optics Spark Plug Sensor
Saturday, 17. June 2006
LaVision UK Ltd. founded
Friday, 2. June 2006
New cooperation partner
Monday, 13. June 2005
Major addition to Lavision's product line
Wednesday, 19. January 2005
New colleague at LaVision UK
Monday, 26. July 2004
Imager Pro Plus introduced in Lisbon
Thursday, 15. July 2004
German Aerospace Center DLR
Wednesday, 12. May 2004
Launch of Imager Pro
Thursday, 15. April 2004
Kanomax Japan Inc. available
Sunday, 20. July 2003
New brochure about Multi-Parameter-Laser-Imaging available
Tuesday, 15. July 2003
SizingMaster family just extended
Thursday, 17. April 2003
FlowMaster HS high-speed PIV
Monday, 28. October 2002
Imager intense PIV camera
Saturday, 7. September 2002
Realtime online storage of megapixel-cameras finally achieved
Friday, 23. August 2002
New product available - EngineMaster