LaVision released its latest software version DaVis 8.3 on the website

Montag, 24. August 2015

DaVis 8.3 provides a larger number of significant changes, new features and UI improvements
The main improvements of the new software version DaVis 8.3 are:
  • PTU X serves as the universal trigger device for both, high-speed and low-speed systems.
  • new efficient Stream Format for high-speed data storage
  • new SprayMaster Geometry package with major overhaul 
  • PIV uncertainty as a separate processing function
  • new display items for 3D vector view and plot view.

For more details, please refer to the DaVis Release Notes in the Download section.

DaVis 8.3 is free of charge for all existing DaVis 8 installations and can be downloaded from our website. DaVis 8.3 is under the same life-time support agreement as all former versions, which grants free support through email and telephone for the entire life-time of the product.

PTU X as universal trigger device for high-speed and low-speed systems

Starting with DaVis 8.3.0 the newly developed PTU X serves as a trigger device for low-speed and high-speed systems. For low-speed systems this follows the development of PTU 9, and PTU X as its direct successor. For high-speed systems it now also incorporates the full functionality of the formerly used HighSpeed Controller (HSC).

The latest PTU X firmware update, included in DaVis 8.3, allows to run both, a low-speed and high-speed system, from the same timing unit. Previously purchased PTU 9 and HSC are continued and fully supported in DaVis 8.

Stream Format for high-speed recording

With DaVis 8.3 LaVision introduces the Stream Format as a new internal storage format for high-speed camera recordings. The new format reduces the number of files drastically and improves the overall performance of data recording and storage. The download speed of selected camera models (e.g. Phantom v1611/2511) is increased making use of the 10 Gbit/s Ethernet link, which is only available when storing into a single file.

SprayMaster Geometry package

The SprayMaster Geometry package is completely rewritten in DaVis 8.3. The main focus is on significantly improved usability, much more flexibility in the result display and a drastic reduction of calculation time.
The main features are:
  • new interactive setup dialog with instant live preview of results
  • calculation speed improvement up to a factor of 30-50 with optimized processing code and multi-threading
  • very flexible user defined layout of result presentation, including spray image, plots and tables export of screenshots and movie files
PIV Uncertainty from existing vector fields

A new processing operation allows to calculate PIV uncertainty on existing vector field data.

Improved 3D vector display

The 3D vector display and the plot display has been replaced by new implementations, both focused on a better user experience and faster response to operator interactions.



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