LaVision introduces new optics module for SLIPI technique during the ILASS 2013 conference in Chania, Crete

Freitag, 6. September 2013

LaVision’s optics module allows easy implementation of SLIPI technique into global spray imaging
On the recent ILASS Europe meeting LaVision presented latest developments on Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging (SLIPI) - a technique for laser imaging in dense sprays. With the new SLIPI technique it is possible to suppress multiple scattering and indirect reflections in sprays effectively and to enhance image contrast resulting in a much better visualization of break-up and atomization processes in dense sprays. On the conference it was shown that D32 global drop size measurements by LIF/MIE method without SLIPI technique lead to significant errors in the estimation of the Sauter Mean Diameter. More details about the comparison can be found here. LaVision offers a new versatile optics module that allows an easy implementation of SLIPI technique into global spray imaging.



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